Are You Satisfied With Your Sex Life?



Berkeley Parents Network
This excellent site answers informational questions and allows members to make referrals. Several people have written positive comments about my services.

Amy Selinger, PT, MS, OCS, Back to Life. Physical Therapist. 415.538.7878
Amy has been a valuable asset in providing help to my clients who have pelvic pain disorders such as painful intercourse and vaginismus.

Cindy Grijalva, M.D., Ob/Gyn. 415.923.3123
I highly recommend Dr. Grijalva. She has made my clients feel extremely comfortable and has been an excellent diagnostician for unusual vaginal conditions.

Charles Moser, M.D., Ph.D., LCSW, Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation.
Sexual Medicine. 415.621.4369 Dr. Moser is an excellent physician and a sexologist who specializes in sexual medicine. He is able to expertly prescribe medication with consideration of negative sexual side effects.

Jan Rydfors, M.D., Bay Area Fertility/Pregnancy Specialists, FreyJa Clinic. 650.701.1882
Dr. Rydfors has been extremely helpful in assisting my clients to achieve and maintain difficult pregnancy.

Mary Loveland, Indigo Healing Arts. Certified Massage Therapist & Orthopedic Nurse. 415.435.2411
Mary has been an excellent adjunct to my practice, as a trained massage therapist for clients who are suffering from stress or have an inability to receive touch as a result of trauma.

Matthew May, M.D., Psychiatrist, 650.566.1212
Dr. May is an excellent prescribing psychiatrist. His warm, personal style makes him easy to relate to. I highly recommend him for my clients who live south of San Francisco.

Dr. Deborah Caust

Clinical Sexologist
Licensed Marriage
Family Therapist

Serving the
San Francisco Bay Area

